Welcome to TreeAZ.com

Welcome to TreeAZ.com

TreeAZ is a methodology for assessing the importance of trees in the urban environment. Trees that are important and worthy of being given significant weight in management decisions are categorised as A; trees that are less important are categorised as Z. The assessment process is quick and provides managers with the ability to focus resources towards the best trees.

TreeAZ for planning purposes was originally developed by Barrell Tree Consultancy (www.barrelltreecare.co.uk) for use in the planning and design of new developments. Subsequently, its basic principles have been applied to the assessment of street trees (TreeAS), the assessment trees for preservation (TreeAP) and the assessment trees for heritage status (TreeAH).

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  • Tree Az

    TreeAZ assesses the importance of trees on development sites.

  • Tree AP

    TreeAP assesses the suitability of privately owned urban trees for legal protection.

  • Tree AS

    TreeAS assesses the quality of street trees to guide the allocation of management resources.

  • Tree AH

    TreeAH assesses whether trees are sufficiently important to be assigned Heritage Status.